Life gets easier with clarity

Here's what you get in 6 months

  • Tools given to use for the rest of your life so no matter what is thrown at you, you can manage easier
  • Boosted confidence
  • Start proactively living your life instead of reacting as your life happens to you.
  • ​Trust yourself fully
  • ​Learn to question what you are thinking and why.  Quality of life starts here.
  • ​Custom program that changes with what you need.

In the journey of life, it's ok to stop and ask directions.

What is included?
  • 21 coaching sessions (zoom or phone) over 6 months 
  • 90 minute first session.  Start the journey day one 
  • ​Unlimited email/text support during work hours
  • Judgement free coaching
  • ​No opinions pushed on you
  • ​Custom coaching program that adjusts as life shows up
  • ​much more...

Client's thoughts:

Having someone to bounce things off of was game changing.  Lindsey helped me deal with my breakup, with work, and help me plot out what I want life to look like and makes me happy.
~ Damon
Had I known judgement free was a thing I would have done this sooner.  Lindsey never pushed her opinions on me.  She asked me questions that gave me clarity to choose for myself.
~ Kris
I don't open up to anyone, but I had to do something.  I tried the one session with Lindsey and decided I could use someone like her to help guide me.  I couldn't be happier I did it.
~ Kyle
I couldn't stop talking or thinking about my ex.  My friends and family got tired of hearing it.  I could feel their frustrations and it became harmful to those relationships.  Once my thinking about my ex took over my work life I needed help.  I hired Lindsey and wish I had done it sooner.
~ Frank

Is now the time to put you first so your life is easier moving forward?

Why Coaching? Can't I just talk with friends?

  • Friends and family are great, but they will always have opinions on what they think is best for you.
  • Rarely judgement free
  • Have someone neutral to discuss your like and ask the right questions to give you clarity.
  • ​Someone in your corner 100% of the time and supports the decisions you make.
  • ​Learn the tools to use for the rest of your life as things happen in life.
  • ​Help to take your power back and have the confidence in decisions you make.

Coaching isn't meant to go on forever. It is meant to give you the tools for your toolbox so no matter what life throws at you, you have the right tool.

Copyright Life Beckons You LLC, 2020